For a better world

We Support
Children and Families


What We Do


Poverty cannot be solved without nutrition, which is why improving nutrition is one of the most effective forms of development assistance.

Better nutrition leads to better health, especially for children. Good health increases the chances of escaping the poverty trap.


Education is both the means and the end of a better life; the means, because it enables an individual to earn a living, and the end, because it raises an individual’s awareness of a range of issues – from health care to appropriate social behavior to understanding one’s rights – and thus enables him or her to become a better citizen.


Everyone deserves to have a place to call home. Yet in every community there are people who struggle to stay in their homes and others who have lost them. Whatever your skills or time commitment, you can help your neighbours, friends or family members to stay in their homes or support those who are homeless. This is how the organisation builds strong and resilient communities.

What We Value

Bringing Dreams within Reach for Families

We enable a large number of families to receive assistance in nutrition, education and housing that would not have been possible without the contribution of this great organisation “bonjour lavie”.

We are trying to bring smile to the humanities’ face.

The Keys to a New Future for Children and Families

The best way to help is to invest in human being. As, we make the tough choice today by serving with love and passion we are building memories that will put smile on faces.

United Families

Family support is important to individuals for many reasons, most of which are related to personal well-being. The family is essential for people because it can be beneficial to a person’s physical, emotional and mental health, and what it offers to human beings cannot be found anywhere else. Thus, by supporting families, we can anticipate welfare problems, whether they are nutritional, educational or housing related.